Planning Your LDR

Dear Miss U,
…He is graduating in less than 2 months and even though I always knew he’d leave college 2 years before me, I’m scared of how I’ll manage to survive college hereon. He will be going abroad for further studies and the thought that we’ll be able to meet once a year is fearful… [read more]

Feeling Neglected

Dear Miss U,
Since I came back from my visit in December, the distance has been pretty hard. We even did a break for a week (he came back texting me after 3 days). We had long talks and everything came back kinda like it was. I tried to find every solution to close the gap and ended up thinking about doing my studies there. He was pretty happy about it. But since then, there is something missing between us too. He got a new job, just bought a house. This is a lot of stress for him (I understand that) but I feel like he’s not paying attention to me as he used to. We text but he’s acting more like he’s talking to a friend… [read more]

An Issue of Stagnation

Dear Miss U,
I’ve been in this international LDR for six years,(USA/UAE) we’ve met so it’s not a catfish situation. We’ve had serious conversations about settling down and getting married, having kids and all. But neither of us has made any major moves towards that goal. This year, he’s made some major financial moves to facilitate the marriage process for his sister. But when it comes to us I haven’t seen the same enthusiasm. Am I naive for waiting this long? [read more]

Would he tell you if he cheated?

Dear Miss U,
… Last week, he came here to visit and we took a trip to Amsterdam. The whole time he felt so distant from me and I felt like the romance was lacking. The sex part was fine and we got along like friends but we wouldn’t snuggle or hold hands or kiss and it made me upset. Normally, he is so complimentary and not afraid to be emotional and share how much he loves me but he was not like this at all so I started panicking. I saw him a month previously and he was not like this, so his change in behavior was concerning. [read more]

Breaking Up Is Stupid

Dear Miss U,
My girlfriend keeps on telling me how much she misses me. I, of course, feel the same and reciprocate these messages. But lately, my girlfriend has been saying that how much she misses me and the fact that we can not see each other every day is really getting to her and that she doesn’t want to break up but thinks we should. What do I do? Please help!! [read more]

Your Future Begins Now

Dear Miss U,
I am writing because my boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. I live in the UK and he lives in Poland, he moved mid-2019 and it’s been so difficult ever since. We both want to be together and get married and have a future together, but all he keeps saying is that, “Well you never know what happens in the future.” It makes me feel like that he’s not fighting for me. It may be at least 6 years until he decides if he wants to come back to the UK… [read more]

The Final Step

Dear Miss U,
T and I started to make plans for me to move in with him. While I think we love each other, there is a lot at stake for me: I would have to live very far from my family and friends; I would have to leave my current job, which I’m not enjoying so much, but it pays well and gives me some stability; the employment possibilities for me where he lives are not that clear. At the same time, he gives me signs of being very committed to get me a job there and help me have a good life where he lives. I am having constant doubts about it all? Is it worth it putting a full stop to my life here to give this relationship a try? [read more]

Long Distance Solutions Now

Dear Miss U,
…We’ve talked about when it would be possible to move in together and it looks like it’ll be another 4 to 5 years before that’s a possibility and that honestly scares me. The feeling that I’m having is telling me that I should leave now to save myself wasting those years on something that could be doomed from the start but part of me is saying that I should stay and see where it goes. I really don’t know if it’s the distance or the actual relationship that’s making me feel this way. I feel like our relationship is different when we’re together (in a good way) and I don’t want to throw it away over a small feeling. My head is going crazy trying to figure out what the right thing to do is for both of us… [read more]

I’m Crying In Fear. Please, Call The Police!

Dear Miss U,
My husband and I have never met but I love him with my heart. I think he is cheating on me with my sister. I have noticed her phone going off with his notifications. I even confronted her and she had an epileptic seizure and it’s all adding up now (he’s got a thing for seizures)… [read more]

Home for Christmas

Dear Miss U,
So, my boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for about 10 months. 3 months ago I moved to another country to study. I will go home for Christmas and I want to spend time with my family and him as well. The problem is that he expects me to spend all my time with him, while my family expects the same thing. I don`t know how to handle the situation. He lives in a different city than my parents, so this makes the situation even more hard for me to handle. When I told him I want to stay at home for Christmas, he became really upset and I felt bad for wanting to spend time at home for the two weeks while I am back in the country. How can I solve this problem?! [read more]