Lauren’s Monthly Love Letter

long distance relationship love letter

Submitted by: Lauren

This is my letter to my SO as part of love letter day. This is the letter for March where I basically just kinda ramble on a bit.

Since it’s pretty hard to read the writing from the picture, this is what it says:

days until we meet: 92

Hey baby,

It’s currently 2:15pm on the 8th March and, as you can see, I’m writing your letter for this month. If you haven’t got it yet, i’m doing love letter day. You can find out more about it on the loving from a distance website. But basically, It’s when you send a letter on the 10th of every month. I saw it a few months ago and decided it was a really cute idea. I mean, I love writing letters to you and I’m pretty sure you like receiving them. So it’s perfect idea for us. I want to really try be the best girlfriend I can this year and writing these letters at least helps me feel like I am. It really breaks my heart to know I can’t always be there when you need me, but at least you can read over these and know I wish I was and that I really care about you. Anyway, I’m gonna post this on the 11th this month because I’ll be at college and I can show of how much I love you by posting it while my friends are there. Yet again I’ve talked too much and now have no space left, so I’m gonna go.

Lots and lots and lots of love from Lauren xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

long distance relationship love letter

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