A Day in the Life of a Marine Girlfriend: Always Hoping for a Text or a Call

marine relationship

By: Devon

My Marine and I met in a pretty funny way, we matched on Tinder and Hinge. He used a pretty funny pick up line and was able to actually get my attention. We immediately hit it off and within a day of talking he told me he was enlisted in the Marines and if I wasn’t interested anymore he understood. I gave him a little pep talk on how I respected him for the choice he made especially since we are in our mid 20s and it’s a big life change. Shortly after that we went on our first date and have been together for a year a now.

We got a lot of time together before he got sent to boot camp. He was supposed to leave in October but thankfully his ship out date got delayed and we were able to spend the holidays together, which I cherished every moment of. The day came when I had to say good bye at the MEPS station and I can’t tell you how badly I didn’t want to let go of him. Three months of old fashioned snail mail was all we had. I wrote every other day; it kept me sane when I missed him. Then graduation finally came — let me tell you I never cry and when I finally got to hug him I bawled my eyes out like a baby. The ten days home was not long enough and the goodbye didn’t get any easier. I think it was even harder to say goodbye when he left for ITB because things from then on out were always going to be up in the air and unknown. We said our goodbyes and I watched him walk away through security.

military long distance relationship couple

Luckily with ITB they get libo and their phones on the weekend so we have been able to FaceTime and text when he has it. It still makes it hard because we just want to be with each other. I anxiously wait for each weekend to come though and I always dread our goodbyes on Sunday nights.

During the week my days are usually the same everyday. I wake up around 11 usually hang out with my mom and kittens, and just relax for a little before I start cooking my meals for the day or week. I love to cook it’s one of the few things that clears my mind and relaxes me so I do it a lot with Greg gone. I’m also addicted to Pinterest and love trying out new recipes.

I work second shift at a hospital so usually around 2pm I start getting my bag together, throw on my scrubs, grab my coffee and head out the door. While Greg is gone I work a ton of hours I do 8, or 12 hours usually, sometimes even a16 hour, about 6 days a week. I love my job, and I love the people I work with they are really supportive and help keep my mind off things. Plus I work with my best friend so we pretty much get paid to hang out together, it’s nice to see her usually 4 times a week because I can vent to her whatever is going on.

military long distance relationship couple

I get out at around 1115 and I will usually head to the gym if my night wasn’t too crazy. It’s a nice way to clear my mind and if I’m having a bad day I take out my frustration on the squat rack. Then it’s off to bed to do it all over again the next day. Greg laughs and jokes about how much I work but little does he know it’s all to save up so that I can travel to see him more often. I already have a trip planned in less than two weeks, another one in July, and a long one in August. I’m lucky enough that my job is so flexible so that I will be able to see him whenever he is free.

I typically work weekends too because I’m a workaholic so they usually go about in the same way but the only difference is that my phone is permanently glued to my hand. Friday night I am like a kid on Christmas waiting for my Saturday morning text and then the whole weekend my heart does flips every time my phones goes off. We usually FaceTime one of the day’s depending on what he has to get done and the rest of the time I am filling him in on my week and just joking and laughing like we usually do.

Sunday nights are my least favorite because we have to say goodbye again and I start the weekly waiting game all over again. Every weekend though I am sitting by my phone waiting for him though and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My life is a bit crazy at times and has its up and downs but I wouldn’t trade my life with my Marine for anything else.


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Comments 2

  1. WOW, I feel like our stories are so similar! Only my man leaves in seven days. I am trying to stay strong, but I feel like I have no one to vent too. I am freaking out inside. I am fairly predictable, so all the question mark in the future are driving me nuts. I work 12hr nights at a hospital. I go to the gym to workout my frustrations. I know it will be great to let him go. The date is so close and all these mixed emotion are flooding in! He has taken me to look at rings. I loved that, but that only leads to more questions. I just wish I had someone I could talk too. I don't know what to do!

  2. this is a moving story. devon is very brave I used to go out of my mind and my work behind because of past long distance relationships. now not anymore, thanks to plane guy lol.

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