Dear Miss U,
I have been living in Australia for two years and got to know Ben at the beginning of my second year here. I had known his family for my first year here but he was overseas studying. I love him lots…
Dear Miss U,
I have been living in Australia for two years and got to know Ben at the beginning of my second year here. I had known his family for my first year here but he was overseas studying. I love him lots…
Dear Miss U,
I have a good amount of money in my travel fund, around $2200 USD or so. I’ve been saving up for a couple years now. I’d love to visit my SO this summer, but there are a couple issues. One, he lives internationally…
I’m 18 years old and I’ve been in a relationship with a girl for two years now. We grew up and went to high school together back home in Kuwait, where we built our lives around each other. Now we’ve both moved to the US to start college…
Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half and have endured so much together and come such a long way since we first started off. We’re extremely close and have a wonderful relationship…
Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend and I wish that there could be a way to feel as if we were closer. We facetime each other every day, no day that we have not, but it feels like if it’s not enough. We want to watch movies together play games together…
Dear Miss U,
I just broke up with my ex recently, after we had lots and lots of problems. We accused each other of not having actually loved the other; both of us were really hurt. We still talk every day, though, having convos that range from pretty good to angst fests where we would just fling accusations at each other…
Dear Miss U,
My bf and I have been in a LDR for half a year now because I’m on an exchange program – we video call each other every day, text each other whenever we can, he’s really sweet and supportive.
So, the guy that I cheated with…
Dear Miss U,
I’m in love with someone that lives over a thousand miles away, and we won’t be able to meet for 5 years. I know for a fact he is the only person that I will ever love and will ever give me the time of day to love me. Is a 5 year distance relationship…
Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend told me that he is worried that in the future when we are older and married he doesn’t want to regret not having the chance to be “free” during his college days, but he says he does not want to have sex…
Dear Miss U,
I have been dating my boyfriend for some time now and we both go to college. He goes to Penn State and I go to West Virginia University. I’m the only one with the car so I do all of the driving to see him. Recently I have been having anxiety and stress about our relationship because he has been pledging a gay fraternity…