Some Insight

Dear Miss U,

Well basically, I have been in an LDR with this really nice guy who lives 737 miles away. He plans to come visit me soon and will stay with me for a week. The problem is his ex-girlfriend…

Proceed With Caution

Dear Miss U,

This is kind of a long story, so I apologize in advance. I met a man on an internet poker site. At first, it was just talking and chatting when we would see each other on the site. Then we exchanged instant message names and began chatting non-stop. We are talking 16 hours a day…

Quick Questions for May

Dear Miss U,

My lovely boyfriend and I have been dating over two years. We have been long-distance since the early stages; he went to undergrad downstate, I was in the city. After dating a year and a half…


Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend and I met through mutual friends, and have an amazing relationship. There is a lot of trust and great communication. Before we met he had applied for a contract position in Northern California (from May- November 2013) and I had applied for graduate school in Israel…

Intimate Prayer

Hello! My LD love and I are both Catholic, and as Catholics we are supposed to practice chastity (no sex, no anything, no being turned on.). Everywhere I go, they advise talking in a sexual way because it helps you to be more ‘intimate’ with your boyfriend/girlfriend. We are both becoming increasingly frustrated…

Another Thing To Miss

Dear Miss U,

So I met my girlfriend by chance online, on a app for my phone that’s kinda like a dating app but really for just chats and stuff. We talked for about 2 weeks on there, then she gave me her number…

For The Love Of Freedom

Dear Miss U,

I studied abroad in the fall of 2012 in Mexico. While I was there, I have met the most amazing man and I totally fell for him. This was the healthiest relationship I have ever had. The only trouble is that he lives in Mexico and I live in Wisconsin. The distance is the only reason we broke up…


Dear Miss U,

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for over 3 years now, and the majority of our relationship has been long distance. I live in NY, he lives in NJ. We met in school in NY during my last semester, I graduated, moved to Georgia for my masters, finished my masters, and am now back in NY…

Grief Support

Dear Miss U,

I have been with the woman I love for over 6 years. Our anniversary is September 2006. Since the start of 2011 I moved just a five hour drive away to Tennessee for school. I’ve been for just over 2 years now. We were handling the distance fairly well after a while, but then something happened…

To Date, Or Not To Date

Dear Miss U,

I met this guy online and we been together for 6 months. We’re both divorced. During the first 3 months of our relationship, he always said to me that finally he found his soul mate in me and of course I was so flattered because I do love him a lot. Until recently we would text every day…