The Short Straw

Dear Miss U,

I have been dating my ldr for 1 year today and like every ldr its had its ups and downs. We talk about our future together and how blessed we are to have found each other. I met him when I was a teenager and I never forgot him, long story short 25 years later here we are…

Talk & Text

Dear Miss U,

My husband and I haven’t seen each other since January as he’s in Japan, and I’m in the US. We discovered this week that I’m unable to join him there. I’ve been very down, while he’s better able to shake things off than I am…

That Special Touch

Dear Miss U,

I’ve had this relationship for 7 months.

Last summer, I went on a working holiday in Los Angeles, CA. I met my boyfriend at Starbucks. Sounds like a novel-like plot…

Trust & Hope

Dear Miss U,

Me and my SO have been dating for 3 months. We are more than happy, everything goes perfectly, and we made all the beautiful promises in the world. However, in the past, I’ve had bad experience with guys…

Flags of Red

Dear Miss U,

I have been with my partner for about 4 years and we were doing fine had our ups and downs and as for me trust issues and jealousy but we got to fix that. We met last year and we had a great love connection and great bond. He stayed for a week…

Nike's Got It

Dear Miss U,

Me and my SO have been together for 12 months. Travelling back and forth to visit each other every other month. The goal was that he will move here within 1-2 years. That keeps being pushed forward a bit…

Without Fear

Dear Miss U,

I feel like I’ve been growing apart from my SO for a while now but am too scared to admit it because I think it might end our relationship. He lives in Wisconsin and I live in the United Kingdom and my new job and school is taking up to much of my time that I rarely get to talk to him…

Talk About It

Dear Miss U,

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 8 months, and we have just started doing long distance, I’m in Sydney and he’s still in NZ. I know that it’s only the beginning of the LD side of the relationship, but being apart from him hurts a lot…

Honest Advice

Dear Miss U,

I’ve been in a LDR for the past five years that I’ve been in a relationship. We’ve always had distance between us. Theirs constant fights when what we’re really upset about is the fact that we’re not together. All we’ve ever known is long distance…

Bad Reactions

Dear Miss U,

So my LDR girlfriend and I have been together for six months now and I couldn’t be any happier with her. But, one of my biggest things I have a problem with is my jealousy and it gets bad at times because I get jealous of other males that get to see my girlfriend every day…