To My Adoring White Rabbit

long distance relationship love letter

Submitted by Aubrie

This is my first love letter I’ve ever wrote to him.

The blurred out word is his last name.

The drawing at the bottom is him.

Beside ‘Rabbit’ is a pocket watch. I call him my White Rabbit because the first gift I ever gave him was a pocket watch. He carries it with him everywhere.

long distance relationship love letter

For those who can’t read cursive or just can’t read mine.

October 28 2012

To My Adoring

White Rabbit


You are the sweetest, most amazing man I have ever met. I know you can’t always see it, but you have made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. No matter how upset or mad I am, talking to you make it all feel so small compared to the feelings of belonging and peace I feel when I’m with you.

It’s hard to say because it seems so unreal, but I believe I have found [my] heart and soul in you. We are one in the same. Two pieces of a single lovefilled existance. I never really believed in fate, but now I think I see it.

When I was little I remember trying to create a last name for myself. I started with Sally and by the end of it I had chosen (his last name). I know it seems farfetched but it’s true.

I feel like you are my gift in return for all I have suffered thought in my life. A gift I cherish and adore. I truely love and care deeply for you. I cant wait to feel your heart beat with mine. I give myself to you because there is no one I could love and trust more.

I hope we can spend all the time we have in this world together as one.

I Miss You Always

Love your

little Angel


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