His “Abnormal” Obsession

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Dear Miss U,

This is actually an update to Frustrated and Confused under your Sparking Reconnections heading.

First I'd like to say, indeed, it's as if we're friends. I appreciate what you do here for people and enjoy reading your answers even if they're for someone else.

In short, I ended up bringing up his hesitation more than once because it just seemed like he was leaving something out.

Eventually, it came down to him not wanting to meet. He's in an industry where meeting women is not an issue. Because of this he's had several encounters and there were some where he apparently wanted it to work, but like us, they lived on different continents. It never worked so he says he didn't want to do that again because someone gets hurt. Not only that but he may be leaving for a long term assignment again... thousands of miles away so he couldn't see how it would work with him being a migrant worker of sorts.

I told him if it came to that point I would be willing to move but that does present a challenge. On top of it all, he doesn't consider any of this real unless we meet, BUT says he's never dated online before either. That part stung. He knows there are people that think differently but he says he’s had thoughts like I do when he dated those girls in his past.

I'm just disappointed right now and he's firm on this. What do you think? Does he have a point?

Thank you so much for reading!
No longer confused.

Dear No Longer Confused,

It’s lovely to hear from you again.

Personally, I’m experiencing a bit of rage at his time-wasting tactics. I feel like he has led you on, which is a form of dishonesty.

I don’t understand the mindset that it’s not real until meeting, but that was a big thing for Mr. E as well. We’d spent hundreds of hours talking online and had been exclusive for months before we met, but when people asked how long we’d been dating he’d only count from our first visit. Enraging! There is a real person on the other side of the computer screen. A human with goals and family and a job and a limited number of days in their life. The time we spend online building our relationships should be precious.

But it would be a boring world if we all thought the same, right? That’s how they are, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it.

You have my sympathy. It sounds like this is a dead end. He just wants to flirt and have a friend in his pocket (so to speak), nothing more. As shit as it is, those are his boundaries and you have to respect them. He let you think there would be more, but there isn’t.

If you can still enjoy his friendship knowing that’s all it will ever be, stay in contact. Maybe one day he’ll get over his fear. Or maybe he won’t. If, however, it’s too painful to remain in contact knowing that you’re at the peak of this relationship already, don’t feel guilty for saying goodbye.

You have to put yourself first, and I’m giving you permission in case you need it. Whatever you need most, do that. Even if it’s that ripping-off-the-Bandaid-fast kind of hurt. You don’t owe him anything and the only person you need to live with is yourself.

Listen to your needs, nurture yourself, and go into the new year stronger than ever.

Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend and I have been together for more than 1 year. We met online and we became really close friends and we fell in love with each other.

He confessed that he loved to wear girls' clothes always - like everything without makeup. But almost everything.

Even though he is not even bisexual or gay or transgender he is totally straight, I accepted that because I love him a lot even though I told him that I don't like abnormal things but you are free to try everything you want in home when we are together.

But day by day, our conversation started to become boring because he has no topic to talk about except girls' clothes and wearing them and getting my opinion about them.

Even when I try to start new topics, he gives short answers so he can talk about clothes again - he changed a lot.

I feel like he is not interested in anything but that. Even though he is not neglecting our relationship, he always notices that I am bored and sad, but I never tell the reason. I never dare to tell him, "That's enough!!" I am afraid that I will hurt him cause he is so sensitive, and am not understanding of his situation anymore. I don't know what to do.

If you know of this kind of situation or can give me any advice, please help me. I don't want to lose this relationship. It is getting colder.

Thanks for reading

Dear Dalida637,

Neither cross-dressing nor drag are "abnormal." Dressing up in drag is huge and people do it for all kind of reasons. Even girls can do drag. It’s not just something gay men do, it’s a way to mock and tear-down stigma and strict gender roles. Drag is cool. Cross-dressing tends to be more private, but again, it’s more common than you might think. You have to understand that in our modern society a lot of people, especially guys, are forced to ignore a whole side of themselves. In a lot of places, boys have been shamed for having any emotions other than anger and are taught that the worst thing you can possibly be is feminine. For them, cross-dressing can be an escape and a way to know themselves better.

Obviously your boyfriend is really passionate about women’s fashion. Maybe he wants to be a designer and he’s afraid of what people will think. Or maybe he’s just trying to figure stuff out. Either way I’m going to go right out on a limb and say that if you can’t embrace this part of him (not just accept but actively throw yourself into it) then this relationship isn’t going to work.

I feel that part of his obsession comes from the fact he isn’t getting his fill. He talks to you about cross-dressing, but because you’re secretly judging him, you’re not helping him reach a level of satisfaction or comfort. His itch isn’t getting scratched so he keeps trying harder and harder to reach it. Scratch the guy’s back, and he ought to be able to think of other things.

With that said, I totally hear you. Mr. E has two personality keys like this that I don’t jive with at all. My interest is lukewarm at best. But they are important to him and he’s important to me, so I find ways that I can relate or contribute. To keep his privacy, I’m going to pretend he’s into cross-dressing.

Personally, my biggest issue with cross-dressing is I’m not into fashion. Not remotely. I wear tee shirts and gym pants year-round and I love practicality. So if Mr. E got into cross-dressing, I would need to find another way to appreciate it. Perhaps I’d encourage him to try dresses from different periods of history (because I’m into history) or from a fandom I appreciate (cosplay). Or maybe I could dress up too and we would do couple photoshoots. Or we could talk about how different clothes made him feel. I’m sure there would be a way I could participate and relate that didn’t cross my personal boundaries.

No matter the topic though, you can always get too much of a good thing. When an interest or avenue of expression crosses the line into obsession, that needs to be addressed. If his itch is getting scratched yet conversations are never about anything else and your itches aren’t getting any attention, that’s a problem. And if you never have the guts to say "This is a problem!" or "Enough!" or even tell the damn truth when he asks why you’re bored and apathetic, nothing will ever change.

At that point the problem becomes you being a poor communicator, not him being a cross-dresser. If we don’t talk to our partners, they can’t know how we feel. It’s that simple.

Maybe you’re afraid that if you say "we talk about clothes so much I’m saturated by the topic," he will leave you, but think – if you don’t say anything the relationship will get colder and colder until it’s dead, because you didn’t address the issue while you had the chance.

Talk to him and strike a balance. Learn about his passion. Understand it. Actually provide support rather than lip-service. And then learn to be as vulnerable with him as he has been with you. This is a huge thing he has trusted you with. Trust him enough in return to express your truth without fear of him rejecting you. As long as you are kind, I’m sure there won’t be an issue with broadening the topics your conversations cover.

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About the Author

Miss U

Miriam Cumming is a writer, witch, and LDR survivor with more than a decade of trans-Pacific experience. She’s currently living in paradise with her one true love and their three little gentlewomen where she indulges in coffee, tattoos, and World of Warcraft. You can learn more about her writing and LDR success from her blog The Wicce Writes.

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