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Dear Miss U,

What are some ways to make a long distance relationship more entertaining? My girlfriend has been experiencing stress symptoms because all we have is our cell phones. She gets tired of having to talk on the phone all the time and wishes she could just be with me in person but I can’t afford or have no way of getting engaged yet. 🙁


Dear Deric,

You don’t need to be engaged to have a visit, but a visit would only solve things in the short term anyway. Until you can close the distance there are a range of things you can do, in fact, there’s a list here: Things for Long Distance Couples To Do While Apart

There’s whole section on the main site dedicated to LDR activities.

My favorites personally are reading to each other (Mr. E and I still do this), falling asleep on the phone, and video calling while cooking or in the bath. Sometimes you need to take a break from electronic communication too. Exchange long letters instead of talking on the phone so much—just for a month while she recharges. Look for alternatives and be kind to each other.

Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. We met online and knew from the beginning that if we were to date, then it would take a lot of work and patience. We try to visit each other at least once a month and for a while it seemed like it was enough to keep us strong. Recently, though, I've been having this weird feeling that we're just not going to make it.

We've talked about when it would be possible to move in together and it looks like it'll be another 4 to 5 years before that's a possibility and that honestly scares me. The feeling that I'm having is telling me that I should leave now to save myself wasting those years on something that could be doomed from the start but part of me is saying that I should stay and see where it goes. I really don't know if it's the distance or the actual relationship that's making me feel this way.

I feel like our relationship is different when we're together (in a good way) and I don't want to throw it away over a small feeling. My head is going crazy trying to figure out what the right thing to do is for both of us. He's a really good guy and I love him more than anything and I don't want either of us hurt. I have discussed with him these feelings and we're both stuck on what the right things to do is. So what I really need to know is where do I go from here? What would be the best thing for us to do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Scared to let go

Dear Scared to let go,

Is that 4 to 5 years until it’s convenient to be together? Or 4 -5 years with you making each other top priority?

Some people write to me and they have this huge wait to be together, but on closer examination, they are choosing that distance. They are waiting until life conspires to make it easy. Waiting till everything is perfect. Until they are "ready." Well, no wonder it’s taking them so long, they are treating the relationship like an afterthought.

And I get it. We’re constantly told not to drop everything for a boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s not true love. Don’t jeopardize your future for someone who might not be in it. And while that’s generally good advice, it ignores the fact there is nothing more important than people and the relationships we form with them. There isn’t anything as fulfilling or inspiring as love. And a good supportive relationship will take you further in your career and in life than you could have ever gotten alone.

So that’s where I’d start. Look at your timeline again and ask yourself what would need to change to close the distance sooner. He might have to defer study a year or you might have to work an unskilled job for a while to get the money. You might have to live together in a tiny basement flat to save money, or start eating beans instead of beef to make ends meet. You might have to ask for transfers at work or college. Almost everything is possible, so ask yourself if you’re working with what is possible or just what is preferable.

If closing the distance was your highest priority and you worked together to reach your other goals, how soon would it then be possible to move in together?

If it’s still 4 to 5 years, ask yourself what more you can be doing every day to make your relationship fulfilling right now. You can’t rely on the future to get you through; you need to love your LDR. It needs to be amazing as it is, because hope won’t be enough. Five years of Long Distance isn’t unbearable. You can do it, but you need to do it with the mindset of being blessed for what you already have, not with the idea that “it’ll be perfect when...”

I’m never going to advocate for breaking up an otherwise wonderful relationship. I don’t feel like Long Distance is a breaking-up matter. But not being able to make each other a priority, that’s a deal-breaker. Not supporting each other’s dreams? Deal-breaker. No respect? Say goodbye. See, the distance is temporary. It’s not a personality trait. Circumstances can generally be changed. Attitudes can be changed. If as people you fit together, you want similar things, your dreams are complimentary, you’re fighting for the same vision of the future, don’t give that up! If he’s your person, hold on and don’t let go!

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About the Author

Miss U

Miriam Cumming is a writer, witch, and LDR survivor with more than a decade of trans-Pacific experience. She’s currently living in paradise with her one true love and their three little gentlewomen where she indulges in coffee, tattoos, and World of Warcraft. You can learn more about her writing and LDR success from her blog The Wicce Writes.

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