
Free games you can play online with your LDR boyfriend or girlfriend!

If you don't see a multi-player game or app that you love please email us!

online star map

  • playerunknown's battlegrounds mobileTeam up as a duo on PUBG Mobile (PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS)! Frank and I play this game together all the time! Play options include solo, duo, and squad. It is available on android and ios.
  • pubg screenshot

  • miniclip
  • Miniclip has so many multiplayer games. You can play all these games on desktop, though some are also available in the App Store/Google Play.

  • pogo logo
  • is one of our favorite sites for multiplayer games. Pogo has been around for quite awhile and when we couldn't think of anything to do while we were dating long distance, we would always find a game to play on Pogo 🙂 Not all of their games are multiplayer games, so we're listing some of the multiplayer games Pogo has in each of their game categories.

Multiplayer Games on

Word Games: Scrabble, Boggle Bash

Card Games: Spades, Cribbage, Hearts

Board Games: Scrabble, Dominoes, Monopoly, Risk, Yahtzee Party, Chess, Cribbage, Battleship, Checkers

Freebie Casino: Bingo Luau, Everyone Wins Bingo, Texas Hold'em, Poker, Keno

Sports: Pogo Bowl

Puzzle Games: PoppaZoppa

  • msn games
  • MSN Games has lots of classic multiplayer games to choose from including several card games, board games, and casino games.

  • Lexulous: This is a Scrabble type game that you can play together live or through email (the email option is great if your schedules are restricted, or are in different time zones, and can't be online at the same time!).
  • lexulousLexulous

Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG)

  • Second LifeSecond Life is a mature game for adults.
  • Second Life is a virtual world created by its members. It one of the more realistic MMORPG and mimics real life. You can do pretty much anything, go on dates, go to concerts, make out, and hrmmmm more ;-). You can even get married on Second Life. It is free to play.

More Virtual Reality Games

  • League of Legends is an ever changing world where players can interact by joining clubs, party setups, and even an app on your phone to stay in touch with friends. Choose your 'champion', pick your strategy, and compete with your SO in a well developed world of fantasy!
  • League of Legends logo

  • neverwinter
  • Based on Dungeons and Dragons, Neverwinter allows you to group up for dungeons and play in some zone wide events. A neat feature is the voice chat capability built right into the game. You can actually talk to one another! Give Neverwinter a try!

  • Frank and I are actually members of Club Penguin! It is a cute game and gave me a big laugh when we first played. I won't ever forget when I finally found Frank's penguin among the others and I waddled over to him. I had a good belly laugh. 😛 The game is actually a lot of fun and there is a countless number of things to do and games you can play together. Lots of fun! 🙂
  • Club PenguinClub Penguin

Have a game suggestion to add to the list? Leave it in the comments below!

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Comments 11

  1. To my opinion should be added to this list. it's an online skribble game. You draw somthing and the other people can guess what it is and otherwise + you can use custome words!

  2. I'm really happy I came across this article..
    We're so going to try some..
    Thanks for sharing.. 😇

  3. Since my boyfriend is really into gaming, I started to play with him. I'm not really good tho, so we needed to find games, that are easier and still fun to play. Not to sure how much the games cost, but my boyfriend said there are not too expensive and they are so much fun and I promise you sleepless nights together 🙂
    You can find all of them on Steam (which is a gamer website, where you can find lots of games to play together and if you are lucky, you can get the games when they are on sale. On sale they cost 5 dollar more or less 🙂 )

    – Castle Crashers (is a lot of fun and you play together against Bosses and can also play against each other. It's so fun and the characters are really easy to handle)
    – Lost Castle (it is kind of like Castle crashers, since we really enyojed the idea behind it and it was easy to play for me. Fighting against bosses and other little creatures but with a cute design)
    – Dungeon Defenders (There is a crystal and you need to protect it, while evil goblins try to attack it. It was a little bit harder to get into, but after a time you figure it out togther and it's fun to work together against the goblins)
    – Brawlhalla is actually for free on STEAM (it is kind of like Smash Bros for the Wii or Switch just for the computer, you can fight against eachother with self chosen characters and also play against other people online. It is an easy game but you can find strategies so that the competition gets really heated)

    Since we played a lot by now, I start to like gaming and now it is like a nice casual date idea 🙂

  4. After my GF and i finished Stardew and Terraria, we got into battle block theater. It's a cute side scrolling game and is a really fun game to play!

  5. I'll recommend Destiny 2. Although better with more people, you can always start a fireteam with your SO, do Vanguard Strikes to start off and grind for better gear, then head into Crucible to play against other people to show you and your SO's dominance! Gambit is also fun if one of you likes PvE or PvP more, as it mixes the two together. All in all, it's a very fun game that you and your SO could pick up and, even better, it's free on Steam.

  6. I cannot recommend Terraria enough. We bought it when it was on sale for about £3.00 and I'm not exaggerating when I say we played hundred of hours. It's sort of like a 2D minecraft but it's loads of fun to adventure and build together.

    We also played a bit of Don't Starve Together. It can be fun but it can also get frustrating if the winter comes and it all falls apart because you run out of food (you can adjust settings though to make it easier)

    We also played a tonne of Guild Wars 2 which now has a free to play version you can try before committing to buying more of the content.

    Finally I would also recommend Smite. You get to play different Gods who all have different skills.

  7. My boyfriend and I started playing Stardew Valley together, and it is one of the most peaceful and sweet experiences I've ever had. We're running a farm together, complete with animals and crops, and every in-game day we grow closer together. I couldn't recommend it more.

  8. Thanks! I've been searching for this exact piece of information. My girlfriend and I have been busy and we thought of playing some games together while we are not yet living together. Will definitely try the collection of ideas from your effort.

  9. Elder Scrolls Online is a MMORPG. On it You can Pledge to the Godess Mara. (The godess of love) and its this worlds version of being married. You get a expirience boost for it too and its also inclusive of same sex couples. It has wedding outfits,and stuff.

    I'm not personally a huge fan, But Fortnite is a ok MMO survival shooter game where you can do duos or fight around 100 or so other players. (Although it is against the rules to team up in the public battle royal you can start your own )

    Avakin I've heard off

    Final Fantasy 14 never played it but you can get married on there, get a ceremony, get outfits, your own housing and when you get married I heard there even a little cutscene.

  10. Thank you for this!!!! Me and my boyfriend were struggling to find things to do as long distance. These are perfect. We actually met on league of legends aha!

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