Shout Out To Your Love

Write a Virtual Long Distance Love Note!

This page is dedicated to YOU and all other couples that are in long distance relationships around the globe. Use this page to write a love note to your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse that will remain here for all internet eternity! Then send them a link to this page.

Submitting your love note:

1. Fill out the comment form at the bottom of this page (“Leave a Reply”).
2. All submissions will be moderated before they are published.
3. Try to keep your love note under 2,500 characters. Use this character count tool to make it easy!
4. Please limit your posts on this page to 1 every 6 months. Thank you!


Comments 30

  1. My Nashie

    Just wanted to drop you a little note to say how much you mean to me. Seriously, I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You make everything better, from the good times to the tough ones.Your smile lights up my world, and your hugs make everything feel right. I love how we can just be ourselves around each other, no pretenses or masks.

    Thank youuu for being my partner for life, my go-to person, and my favorite guddu. Can’t wait for more adventures with you by my side.

    Love Dani

  2. Hey Melly!!
    You are so amazing to me. You are a gift from God and I truly adore you. I can’t wait to meet you for the first time ever in 10 days. We are going to make lots of memories and enjoy every second together. You are the love of my life and I am thankful to have been blessed with such an amazing loving man. My Melly Mango, you are everything plus more. Can’t wait to taste your sweet lips and feel your warm embrace. I love you.
    Britmich forever,
    BrittyPooh Muah

  3. As days pass, I will continue to love you more than yesterday. I can’t wait for what tomorrow brings for us. Let's fight and love in a better way than yesterday 😁
    No words can express enough how much I love you. You're my jaan 😚
    Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu❤️

  4. It's easy to love someone when things are wonderful and everything's perfect. But to love someone when things are being difficult, they aren't perfect, when they are messing up, flaws are seen, mistakes are made, I think that what allows you to see how much love is there. anyone can love someone who is doing all right things, being everything you wanted and you need, when they have got all together, but to love someone at their worst when they are broken, when you are willing to stand by them no matter how challenging or difficult things may be. I think that kind of love is more beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for being with me both the times. Thank you for helping me to become better person. I love you Darshan.

  5. To my dearest Boyfriend,

    Despite the fact that we have known each other for so long, you never cease amazing me (and I do not foresee your amazingness ceasing anytime soon). Every single day you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to say "Oh him? Yeah, that's my boyfriend!" Thank you for every single thing that you do every day to show how much you love me.
    I love you BIG!
    Love, Michelle

  6. love u sooo much, miss u lots and thinking of u always even when u can’t feel it, promise <3

    always urs hehe

  7. hi, poli, my love! I appreciate you, baby, so much. I want you to know that I would give you the last piece of my favorite food, I would let you drink the last sip of water in a very hot day, I would gladly rub your back and massage your body. I want to be the one that makes you smile every day,I want to be one of the main reasons why you're happy. I want you to know that I love seeing you smile, I love seeing you light up, I love seeing you happy, I love seeing you at peace. I love watching you sleep. I love how you baby talk, I love how you calm me down, I love how you talk. I love your imperfect perfections, I love your expressive eyes. I love you. I love it that you're mine, I'm grateful you're mine. I love you.

    – your-o, euro, and only yours.

  8. Hello Love,

    I know we’re going through a rough time with everything right now but I just want you to know I love you a lot I hope we get to meet like we want to I’m sorry we haven’t been able to spend as much time together lately I’m sure after the concert everything will be running smooth again just another rough patch I can’t wait to marry make me so happy and no one has ever achieved the level of happiness you give me I know I don’t show it often but I love you very much Thank you for everything you’ve given and taught me since we met you’ve taught me more than you think I hope you know that I will forever love you together or not you’ll always have a place in my heart my honeycomb I love you❤️

  9. Dear Airam,

    You're sleeping right now while I type this and unfortunately I can't be sleeping right next to you. Even though it is as such I would not trade you for anything in this world. Your bright smile, bright forehead, which light up those really dark eyes of yours. I want you to know that we won't be like this forever, we'll be able to sleep together one of these days. I will fight for us until these little things become a reality for us. I love you mami, hope you dream of the sweetest gummy bears I know you love so much.

    I Love You mahal ko

  10. When we met you ma Anna it was during the first lockdown, a devastating and trying time for the world, buh it was a moment of discovering love for me, a breakthrough of affection mixed with undiluted smiles and laughter, a Greek queen i have found maself for even though i dont love garlic i am willing to garlic u away through the nights and sunny days. Between the morning light and crescent moon we are the king and queen of an empire ruled underneath thick blankets and bed sheets, for everytime i put the lip scrub on ma lips i feel like im kissing you😚😚😚. I miss u and i lov you .

  11. Heyyy babyyyy🥰
    I decided to do something awesome because I was missing you🥺.
    Here goes a little something I created specially for you😌.

    Daniel,I LOVE YOU. Like a loott. It's so intense that I dare say it's kinda scary😅.
    I remember how we started and I'm like wow,that's quite a lot of energy there!
    The way I feel for you is overwhelming and amazing. Have I ever felt this way? Nope. There's only one person that could perform this magic on me and yeah,it's you only.

    I apologise here for being blank most times,for the boring times and all,forgive me I ran out of ideas😂. But in actual fact,I can never get tired of us. I know it's kinda hard cos we are far away🤧, but I'm sure we'll work something out.
    I can't wait to see you and love you more. I can't wait to call you baby,my everything,DeeDee,my love,darling and all in person. I just can't wait!
    I love you from the bottom of my heart and when I look at my future,is it weird that I see you in it? If it is,well,I guess I'm proud to be weird😌.
    One thing I pray for everyday is for us to last long till eternity🥺. For us to always be together. That'll be the best gift nature can give me. I hope for more years for us to spend together.

    You're all I ever wanted,my best friend😌. And I'll never ever stop loving you❤️.
    More love and life to us honey🥂🥂

    1. Hey my dear love! First of all Let me welcome you here at this place. I know its unusual place and you are tired of online things. Seriously I don’t want to make you wait not even a second more in this online, I want to come to you making again an unplan trip without telling anyone that gives you the excitement of our one more risky trip. I want to take your all boredom with me I don’t feel good seeing us like this too. We are gonna meet in sometime that's what I know. You are so special and so precious to me Sher. The day the limitations will not be like this tough that day is gonna be the most beautiful day of your life. I promise you this. I love you so much You are the most loving girl Sher.

    2. Thank you so much Sher for being with me in this time even when you doesn’t like online much but you stayed here for me every dust to dawn I am so thankful of you I feel sorry for making you wait here for me Sher but you every time make me feel good and even better with your big heart You love me so much I will do my best I can for you always! You are the best girlfriend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Making you not just my girlfriend but my wife! Will you be that?

  12. My beautiful Elyssa,

    It has been 6 months since you first trusted me to take care of you. I knew we will come this far and I'm definitely certain that we will go farther. The pandemic is testing us and we're not happy about it but we both can do it since it's not just me or just you, it's the both of us. together. who'll go through it. To love is to try, so let's keep on trying. Happy 6th month of being each others' wives. I love you very much! muahhhhhh

  13. As days pass, I will continue to love you more than yesterday. I can’t wait for what tomorrow brings for us. Let's fight and love in a better way than yesterday 😁
    No words can express enough how much I love you. You're the best dear 🤗
    Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu❤️

  14. I love you, Horlicks. Seriously I must be so lucky to have you as my husband,boy friend, best friend, care taker, psychologist, guide, cook, competitor,WWF opposite player, enemytypefriend,kid, support, therapist, masseuse, entertainer, still so many censored roles of my life. You make my life so much more fun to live in.. Let's continue this eternal journey in the same way.. Miss you right now.. Hope we meet soon..

  15. You are the most sweetest and amazing person in this galaxy ❤️ I love you sooooo much💋

  16. What is love?
    Love is YOU.
    Love is your eyes, lips, smile, all of you.
    Once you said "You are born to be Mine" and now I will say "I am, I am born to be yours, to be your home and the family, to be the one who will have your surname, the one who will get old with you and Love every wrinkle on your face which will remind me about the days spent with love together".
    You know what is my dream?
    My dream is to live in a house. Let's not be ours but we'll be in it. Let the house be empty, we will fill it slowly with love. Even if we do not want to dance, we will embrace each other and fill every corner of the empty house with love. We will be crazy like kids eating pizza, dancing under the rain, counting the stars and running home. Our only fight will be to argue who loves more.
    Let's live in a house so I can sleep and wake up feeling your heartbeat next to mine..
    and If you ever ask me
    If I have a secret,
    I'll say I'm happy,
    Because I have you and

    One day the ticket to you will be one way.
    One day I will have your surname.
    One day our children will have your surname.
    One day we will be home and family for each other.

    Now I will say "You are born to be mine.

    Te Sakam.

  17. Dear Caramel,

    -T-he exact moment that I fell in love with you escapes me…. From the moment i first discovered your existance, Ive never been able to get you off my mind. Not that i even desire too….

    Baby, I fell in love with your heart and shortly after i became immersed in all of you…

    Getting to know you without touch and through our special language has been a beautiful experince. I especially love our soul and spiritual connection.

    Please forgive me for the frustrations…. As i appreciate your patience.

    In a world where perfection does not exist… I must express… That i do feel the way you love is perfect, pure, and true. Thank you.

    I cant wait to spend quality time with you and go to Disney World, Roanoke Rapids ;)… And travel the world…

    You are my everything… My ride4u woman, my proverbs31, my best friend, my inspiration, my hero, my heart, my present, my now, my future., my favorite person, my First TRUE love and my Forever TRUE Love.

    No weapon.

    I love you.

  18. Terry, (my Andy)
    We fell in love by accident in high school when we didn't know what love was. You said you were going to marry me someday, and I believed you but knew that you didn't mean it. Our time was cut short by things out of our control and we went our separate ways. We spent the next 20 years learning who we were and who we weren't. We screwed up, made mistakes, made new dreams and fell on our faces and got kicked in the gut. Entirely by accident you strolled back into my life 5 years ago. While I was ready to start forever at that point, you were not quiet ready to settle down. You promised if I would wait you were going to make me your wife. Broken hearted that I had already been waiting so long, I let you go. I said I would be here when you were ready, knowing you were never going to come back.

    Two months ago you walked back into my life and said you were ready to love me for the rest of my life. You had figured out what your heart couldnt live without and you wanted to make me your wife. All I could think was about damn time.

    I know I am difficult, I know I drive you crazy and I know some days you rethink what you are doing with me. I know that every day you have been in my life I smile more, I love deeper and I believe more. I know that since you have been in my life I can't wait to tell you about my day or listen to you tell me about yours. I want to look into your eyes every night and wish you were holding me in your arms.

    Terrell, I can not wait for the day you slide that ring on my finger and look into my eyes and say I do.

    Love you to the moon and back a hundred times.

  19. To my Lee, just saying your name puts a smile on my face. You have come back into my life like a flood that consumes me. The things you have awakened in me stir up feelings I haven’t felt in so long and make me ache for you in ways that I didn’t know I could feel . I haven’t felt so cared for, so understood and so wanted I’d forgotten what it felt like. Each time I get to hear your voice or see your face the need to be with you gets stronger, to feel you next to me to look into your eyes. I’m counting down the days until I get to be with you again. You are truly one of the most caring and thoughtful men I have ever known. You have made me laugh more in the last month than I have in years. You are my missing puzzle piece my perfect fit. You have brought passion into my life with just your words it’s unexplainable . Babe let’s always be on the same team and I’ll always have your back
    P.S. Football is the greatest sport in the world 😘
    Forever your soulmate
    We speak the same blah blah blah
    Happy Valentines

  20. Hey Dum Dum,I can't begin to tell you how much you have turned my life upside down.From the minute you first told me how much you was holding back until this very day I have been overwhelmed by your near constant outpourings of love.I feel so very lucky to have this chance of rekindling our young love.My first love and I truly pray my last love.The longing I have to hold you in my arms consumes my very being.To have a chance of having a future with you fills me with such joy and happiness.Even though the distance between us is vast,I feel closer to you each day.Your words and pictures make me feel more alive than I have for such a long time.You really have fixed my wounded heart and I will be eternally grateful for this.This is a second chance for both you and I,a real chance of living happily ever after.I would do anything in the world to make you happy and feel wanted.
    You are a girl in a million and I can't wait for May 26th so we get to be together again.
    You have an eternal place in my heart Andrea,don't ever doubt how much I want you in my life.
    Forever yours,

  21. Selma
    Wednesday 09 january 2018

    My habibi vinay
    To my ugly monkey hhhh to my everything in this world to my bestfreind my man my daddy my bro my family to the most crazy man i ever know in my life hey u know verywell that im not good in expressing my feelings but u have to know that i love u truly even more than my self
    Ya we r different in everylevel mmm u r indian am algerian we r from different region also from sooo different societies mmm u r a metalhead when im a simple normal girl but we r truly a perfect pair its just a magic between u and me ….u know its crazy how we fight how we became just like tom and jerry its crazy how u make me lose my nerves and make me feel sooo burning inside my heart but im truly thankful for every seconf with u …….i wanna grow old with u i wanna love u till the last day of my life i just wanna die between ur arms i swear i will receive death happily with u i wanna be with u in ur ups and downs im really worry that i cant be their with u promiss i will not give up on u mmm we already was going in lot of hard moments together ……i hope we will meet soon wanna feel u i wanna smell u i wanna touch u i truly need u with me here i swear i love u to the moon and back and i will not let u goo …..we spent 5 years together now and im just waiting to spend my entire life with u

    Nhabek bezaf my vin

  22. Angel,
    Heheh, hello, Teddy Bear. I miss you. I can't wait until I get to actually hold you in my arms. The day we actually get to be together is the day that my dreams come true. And I know that's the cheesiest thing ever, but it's the truth. I want to be able to hold you in my arms and breathe in your scent. To feel your heartbeat against mine, and to be comforted with a hug and a kiss any time I need it. You make everyday a good day, and the future seem like an adventure. I also can't believe that half a year has gone by so quickly. And I know it's not much, but I believe that we will last a lot longer. I love you so so much. You're the best, most perfect person I know. You make me laugh when I'm sad and feel better when I'm not in a good mood. You actually listen to my nonstop babbling and always help me out with advice. I can't believe I'm the one that was able to steal your heart away, but I couldn't be more grateful for it. You're amazing. I am so excited to see what this new year brings us. Mwah! ^3^~<3

    Your Sunshine

  23. dear Cody,
    wow, i cant believe we are almost at a year. this has been so perfect being with you. and i love you so so so so much. your literally the love of my life, my best friend, my baby, my baby boy, my cupcake, my honeybun, my cutie pie, my best friend, my soulmate, my fiance, my husband, my hubby, my world, my number one, my will to live, my reason to breath. i love you and cant wait til july 26 when we meet for the first time. i love you baby<3

  24. For my perfect little Psycho who I will adore till the end of time.

    I'd normally hate mushy stuff like this, it used to make me cringe, but right now I have so much backed up love for you, it's
    spilling from my pores, so until I see you again in person to shower you with it, I'm
    going to spread it in as many places for you to feast upon.

    I try to fathom out why my love for you is so intense, why I have you pinballing around in my head from when I wake up to when I put my head on the pillow, why I crave to make you happy, why I have a stupid grin on my face when I see a message from you, why my heart beats so fast when I see you. And although I know at home I have the perfect family who I love and adore, it's because you complete me, you're my missing piece I'd just not realised it was missing till I found you. Now I have, I want you all the time and it's hard to accept that I can't. I love how you make me feel like nothing else matters, I love that you are as bonkers as I am and that we can be ourselves without worrying what the other one thinks. I love how you can turn me on so much without even trying, you're so fucking beautiful and I know you don't see it, which is even more endearing.

    I'm completely in love with you and it pains me I can't shout it from the rooftops. I want everyone to understand our love but at the same time I don't care if they don't. You're the only one that it matters to.
    I know you will be a part of my life forever and I can't wait to see where our journey takes us. I want you to be a part of my family. and vice versa.

    I can't wait to see you. 19 days and counting. I LOVE YOU XXXXXX

  25. Marc,
    We cannot be with the other for all the little things. We will miss moments that for other couples are mundane. Not sharing my daily life with you is one of the hardest roads I have walked. Yet, I choose to continue. Gladly. Any time with you is precious. It feeds me and makes me whole. We cannot be together for the little things, but we will be for most of the big ones. And hopefully someday, not too far away, we can share our lives 100%. I love you, I will not give up. You have my heart forever.

  26. o: Zoe

    I Love you from here to the moon and back, and I hope you know that. We have had our ups and downs, but I never stopped thinking about you. All I can do pray that our time apart will come to an end soon. I know you worried about if I will still love, and of course I will. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you. Even though Louisiana and Florida are miles and miles apart. I won't let you go, I won't let you fall, and no matter where you are I'll be there in your heart. It hurts me sometimes that you're so far away, and I cannot comfort you. Just know that this isn't forever, and we will be together soon enough. I love our moments on the phone together, how we watch movies together over the phone, and how no matter what you won't let me give up. I believe you are my perfect person and I no one will tell me otherwise. There is something about you that I love and will continue you too. Until every breath has left my body and not a moment sooner.

    I love you baby

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