The Sweetest Thing

Sharing the sweetest things our long distance significant others have said or done

What’s the sweetest thing your long distance boyfriend / girlfriend / partner / spouse has ever said or done for you?

A romantic gesture?
A surprise visit?
A heart-melting gift?
Sweet words?

Go ahead and brag! Share your special moment here!

Reading these stories inspires and motivates long distance couples to make their other halves feel loved across the miles ❤ So go ahead and brag about how wonderful your significant other is and read the stories submitted by others!

Submitting your “Sweetest Thing”

1. Fill out the comment form at the bottom of this page (“Leave a Reply”).
2. All submissions will be moderated before they are published.
3. Please limit your posts on this page to 1 every 6 months. Thank you!

***Note: “The Sweetest Thing” was a page on our website from 2008-2010. It was abandoned after a redesign. I decided to bring it back (October 2018)! I’ve been able to dig up old submissions to the page and have been able to republish them – so you will see some pretty old posts here!



Comments 22

  1. We knew each other on on-off basis for 5years as friends. Talked continuously for 1 more yr and started dating and it’s been 8yrs. All long distance.
    Through all the effort of convincing her that we can be together against all odds, I wrote something for her in Hindi, which translates to:
    “A whisper of my presence,
    You must have felt it near,
    Though life has taken you far ahead,
    A fleeting moment for me, you must have shared.
    You may shy away from speaking of me,
    But in solitude, when none could see,
    Even once, when shadows softly dance,
    You must have whispered my name—by chance.”
    “एक हल्का सा एहसास मेरा, महसूस तूने किया तो होगा, चाहे जितनी ज़िन्दगी जी ली हो तूने, एक कतरा लम्हा मेरे नाम का भी जिया तो होगा, बाते किसी से करने में मेरी भले तू कतराती हो, लेकिन कभी अकेले तन्हाई में, तूने भी मेरा नाम लिया तो होगा।”
    We still have a long way ahead.

  2. It is so hard being romantic from 8397 miles away. Not only that, we have an age gap to deal with.

    I have been sending my SO romantic music videos. Not knowing her taste in music, I never know if she would like them or not.

    One time I sent her a video of The Beetles "All My Loving". She said it made her cry.

    The latest one I sent was Slim Witman's rendition of "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" with a modern video part. She absolutely loved it and sent me "hearts" in return!

    So my advice is, don't worry about it. Just send it! It is the thought that counts. I'm sure she will get the message.

  3. My bf Troy lives 13,573 miles away from me (to be exact) but that doesn’t stop us from having such a great relationship. We talk to each other every day and it drives us crazy if we can’t communicate even for just one day.
    It has just been three months since we have committed to each other but since then, he completely assures me of his love and loyalty to me.
    Every day, he tells me, “Will you marry me today, please?” Imagine being proposed to every single day. And I would say “Yes!” every single time. This guy has exceeded my expectations. He is the most loving, caring, sweet, romantic, and responsible guy I’ve ever met. That is why I never hesitated when we planned to see each other next month. We both can hardly wait!
    I know he is my soulmate because we are so much alike. We read each other’s mind. We are both clingy souls and it works for us. 🙂
    The sweetest text he sent me lately? “I’m so happy that we are committed for life baby! I’m so blessed to have you in my life. I love you.”

  4. Okay, well I am 23 years old and I’ve only been given flowers once and that was 2 years ago.

    …I started to wonder if I would ever get flowers again 🙁 and then i started dating a friend of mine, David, but he was going to Army basic training the day after our first date, so I knew it would be months before I could see if he’s the flower giving kind of guy….I always thought he was, but being in basic he just cant do that.

    I got a phone call from him one day and he told me he had mailed me a small gift in the mail, that it was nothing big, but he thought I would like it….

    4 days later, I received his letter, and when I went to flip the page over to read the back, there were pressed daffodils taped to the back! 🙂 I instantly started to cry….to me that was just another sign that he’s the guy for me cause he always seems to read my mind. If I think of something to say in my next letter, he beats me to it. Almost every letter is like this, especially this one, and it just made my day!

  5. Christina has done many sweet things for me from sending cold medicine when I have a cold to just sending me my favorite candy and cards at no special occasion. But one that I really remember the most was our first Valentines together. I have always been the one to plan things for the woman in my life, but for the first time someone did this for me. She flew in to meet me and I picked her up at the airport. As always she looked amazing, she always makes sure she looks at her best for me from her beautiful long flowing hair right down to her perfectly manicured toe nails. She gives me directions to the hotel, we arrive and the room is amazing fireplace and everything. She handed me a beautiful card and said she would be right back. She returned with a gift, and this gift I will always cherish. She had ordered a bottle of my favorite Klua, but as I looked at the label I was blown away, on it said “To our first valentines day I love you Richard”. Omg! no one had ever taken the time to do such a thing for me. We than went downtown where she had made reservations at a wonderful restaurant. We had a lovely meal. Then we took a stroll out into the very cold night. We came to a corner where there was a beautiful horse with a carriage. A nice lady walked over and pulled a blanket back and we got in pulled the blanket over ourselves. We were shivering from the cold so we snuggled closer to get warm. We went for lovely carriage ride around the city. It was amazing, not the ride itself but knowing that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this amazing woman. I wish I could remember the horses name that would really impress her, I am sure she knows it because Christina never misses a detail. This One cold winter Valentines Night.

  6. Me and my boyfriend had been together for about a year at the time. He lives about 500 miles away from me. I hadn’t seen him in over three months and I missed him very much. We always let each other know how much we love each other and how much we want to kiss and hug one another. Valentine’s Day was coming up and I was upset because I wouldn’t be able to spend the special day with him. I got a package on Valentines Day from him. In it was: Hershey Kisses and Hugs(symbolizing how much he wanted to kiss/hug me), his favorite shirt (which i love to wear), a scrapbook he created for us (pages full of how much he loved me, pictures of him and us, etc) and a card. This reassured me how special and creative he is and that no matter how long the distance was I probably received the best gift a girl can get.

  7. One night I was Skyping with my boyfriend when he asked what times my classes were the next day. I go to school in Philadelphia and he goes to school in Connecticut. I thought it odd that he had asked but thought nothing of it.

    The next day, I got out of my class and called Mike, like he had told me to. The whole time I wondered if he was going to surprise me with something, but I doubted it because of the distance. As I approached my dorm, I saw a familiar-looking person standing by the entrance on the phone. I was so freaked out that I ran past him and into the building.
    Mike didn’t see me. He did though, hear me screaming.

    I ran back out-side, past Mike again, and onto the side-walk. I screamed as loudly as I could onto the busy street and could not calm down. For the next ten minutes, I could only bring myself to look at his feet. I had not seen him for about a month. It was our three month anniversary and he decided to visit for one night.

  8. My boyfriend and I were going through a rough time, as we had not seen each other in what had been the longest time since we’d been together. The hardest part about it was that he wasn’t able to make it for Thanksgiving or Christmas, as he had originally planned, and I wasn’t able to make it for New Years as I had planned. On top of that, we also weren’t able to be together for our anniversary, and I had been so anxious to give him the Claddagh ring I had gotten him.

    Then, one night while we were texting, I asked him what he was up to. He told me he had decided to go for a drive because there was something he couldn’t get out of his head and needed to see. I was so intrigued that he said he would send me a picture when he got there.

    I knew I was going to get to see him soon, and get to have a belated Christmas celebration, so I didn’t suspect anything. In fact, even though my gifts were still a secret, he told me what he got me for Christmas- he made me a blanket so I could be warm when he wasn’t there and got it to smell like him. Next thing I know, he sends me a text saying “Can you go outside? Your other Christmas present should be there”

    I ran outside to find him standing in front of my house! I’m not sure if the best part about it was the surprise factor, the fact that he had actually taken the train and bus to get there (as he HATES taking public transportation, especially without me there to make sure he doesn’t get lost), or the fact that I had been on bed rest all week due to illness and he ended up staying for the next 3 days and took care of me.

  9. My man and I have been apart for a while. He goes to a boarding school 4 hours away from where I live. I’m fortunate enough to see him once a month minimum, but we used to see each other everyday, so it’s been really hard for me. Even when we both went to that boarding school, he one time sent me a text that said,

    “I am on my way, and only because I want to be with you. I need you, you make me who I am.”

    He can always tell when something’s wrong. He never says it to me, he just tries to make it better. Some of the sweetest texts I’ve ever gotten from him since I left the school are,

    “Hey, I love you, and I always will no matter what. Keep that in mind, because you will always be on mine. =)”

    “ily, ily, ily, ily, ily, ily, ily, ily, but hey, you knew that already, right? =)”

    “I love you more than all God has created, and all that his creating, and all that he shall create in the future… I win. =)”

    He’s the one for me, and I know that now more than ever. Being apart may be hard for me, but he’s definitely worth it. Stick it out, you guys have something special. Remember that! :]

  10. So, my LDGF of 6 and a half months and I were having an amazing night. We had just been talking for a very very long time, and everything was going amazingly. We went on and on about a lot of things that we really agreed about, and we were just having so much fun in each others company. After awhile, we were getting really on about how much we -really- Love each other, and it felt great. To be honest, it felt amazing, I couldn’t remember when I had last been so happy. And the two of us -definitely- know that we want to get married and be together forever, and we’re well aware that each other wants that too. We were feeling so happy, and I felt like nothing coulr make me happier while we were talking about our children middle names. And before, she’s joked about what she’d want to change her last name so, such as names of her favorite characters, or just awesome words in general. So i said to her her “like Katie Beyond Birthday?” as a suggestion, and she laughed and it was funny and everything. A little bit later, when the subject had started to change, she said “Oh, I remember what I wanted my last name to be.” So I asked what, expecting some character that I hadn’t thought of before, or just something I haven’t paired with that before. and when she answered, she said my last name. I swear, it was the sweetest thing in the world that I almost began crying. I couldn’t believe how happy that made me. She’s truly just the sweetest girl in the world, I Love her so much.

  11. My SO and I have had a really rocky past. We were romantically involved a few years ago, after we met on an MMO. We were best friends too and we had a great thing going. Soon, though, I started to get paranoid about the Internet. What if he wasn’t who he said he was? Would this really work out? How could I allow myself to fall for a guy I might never even meet? Eventually, I decided to totally cut all connections with him. It was incredibly painful, but it was something I felt I had to do.

    We shared an ingame New Years’ “kiss” as one of the last times I spent with him, since I thought at the time it would be easier not to tell him how I felt and to just quietly end it on my own terms. It was heartfelt, but it only intensified my feeling of fear for the future. I won’t forget that night- he hasn’t either, considering we’ve discussed it since.

    Literally years later, I, on a whim, contacted him via IM. I missed him and leaving him so suddenly and cruelly had become one of my greatest regrets. We talked casually for the first few days and then started to have deeper and deeper conversations until we admitted the possibility of feelings for each other, even though we had both moved on since the episode a few years ago. Since that day I talked to him again, we have talked or IMed every single day for at least half an hour.

    The other night, we were talking about things we remembered from so long ago. We got on the subject of the New Years’ kiss of course, and he said something sweet. “If I kiss you this year on New Years,” he asked, “will you promise not to disappear for two years?” He won’t be here to celebrate New Years’ with me, sadly, but that’s fine. I promised I wouldn’t abandon him ever again.

    So, in a few days, we will share another New Years’ kiss like the one we shared three years ago, and this time, we will have some kind of future to look to afterward.

  12. On Thursday night, the crazy neighbors in the apartment below mine started blowing things up (AAAA!! It was really scary!!). I called security. When the explosions didn’t stop, I called the police. After the police came and handled things I was still really on edge.

    My boyfriend stayed up through the whole debacle, reassuring me that I would be fine, that I was safe, that I had taken the proper course of action, that he wished he was there to make me feel better (I was crying/really worked up), that I didn’t need to worry, it had been handled… I still couldn’t sleep and every sound I heard from below made me anxious. I was sleep-deprived (finals week) and I was super freaked out.

    I *really* needed to sleep (I had to get up in 5 hours for a final exam!) but I was far too anxious to just lay down and go to sleep. Kyle read to me from one of our favorite books until I fell asleep 🙂 It was exactly what I needed to get to sleep aaand I did really well on my final (kudos to Kyle for that!).

  13. We had fought often a while ago and we decided to take a break from all the messages, emails, even phone calls.

    After a few days and no news from him, I started missing him so much but I wouldn’t let myself call him. Suddenly in the middle of nowhere, he called me, just in time, when I reached a peak of sadness.

    The first thing he said to me was, “Have you ever heard that Kelly Clarkson song?” I was confused because I didn’t expect him to say that.. And sure, what kind of question was that, since we’re still fighting?

    With my coldest voice I said, “No.” He said back to me, “You should listen to that song, it’s called My Life Would Suck Without You,” and then he told me a couple of times that his life sucks without me…and he said sorry…my heart melted.

    That day changed everything. Yes, we still fight sometimes, but he loves me and I feel a stronger bond with him than before… =)

  14. So I had this hair clip. It was beautiful and I LOVED it! I could carry it around and put my hair up or take it down. But a few months ago it broke. And I’ve been trying to get another one. I didn’t find any that I liked. But after while I did. I found it on eBay and wanted it so bad, but I couldn’t get it cause I didn’t have the money. I showed it to Ben when he asked what I was looking at. Without telling, me he got it for me. He told me afterward, when I couldn’t argue about it with him, which I normally do when he buys me something. 🙂 We had it sent to my address, but without telling he had the address changed to his. So when I went to visit him over spring break he surprised me with it. 🙂 It is absolutely GORGEOUS! Lol. And It totally made my day!

  15. A day after my boyfriend and I got in a big fight because he thought i was too jealous he sent me the following message:

    “Just tell yourself that your true love spends the whole day thinking about you and wants you and only you even if it is only a few times a year! Just keep telling yourself that because it’s true!”

    I started to weep after this!

    I was sooo happy and sad at the same time!!


    I love him so much and he loves me! =D we are in love =D

  16. This is the final paragraph from an email he sent me when our relationship went through a rough time because my dad wouldn’t let me use the computer as much as I wanted to.

    “I have eternal faith in your love for me, and this brings me great comfort in this situation where our chat time may now be greatly limited. I know that you’re being strong in this latest trial, and this brings peace to my heart. Always know that I love you more than life itself, and find comfort in my love in your lowest times of sadness and silent tears. I love you Joanne and I always will until the day I die.”

  17. I’ve been a bit down this week, as I usually am when I’m apart from him and I’m bored and on my own. It’s the first week of being apart from him; I always hate that first week. And normally seeing him on webcam or hearing him will cheer me up but it didn’t work yesterday because I was so down and he told me not to go out today (the next day) but wouldn’t tell me why. At about 4pm there was a knock on the door and a woman handed me 2 bags. Inside one was a long rose in a vase with a fern behind and in the other a teddy and a heart shaped box of chocolates! I know it sounds very Clique but I love things like that and no one has ever done something so special for me before!

  18. My boyfriend is really a romantic person. For the 4 years we have been in a LDR, he has always surprised whether we are together or apart. There are so many sweet things that I can talk about but I don’t think there is enough space. All are very unforgettable and really melted my heart.

    I am here in the Philippines and he is really so far from me, it’s almost 24 hours to fly here from his hometown. He knows how dangerous it is for him to fly here alone because one reason is he is white and every time he was here it was always not a good experience for him.

    One time he told me he would be in the hospital and I was so worried about him. Even though we’re long distance we never pass one day not talking or say goodnight to each other. So I was so worried when he didn’t call or text or email – I mean nothing from him plus the fact that I know he was in the hospital. So it was already 2 days, still nothing from him. I was really going crazy because normally he will ask somebody to call me and tell me that he is okay and he misses me and love me. I tried to call his house but the people there said he is in the hospital and he is okay but I still want to hear his voice. So those 2 days I got nothing from him. And I said to myself, “I wanna break up with him for that.” (I was just being crazy heheh)

    I was writing an email for him when all of a sudden our dogs started barking and that means there was someone downstairs. I didn’t care because my mom was there anyway. Then my mom all of a sudden called me like it was an emergency or something. When I went down and opened my door, it was him! I was so shocked and it felt like I was dreaming. I was speechless and even asked him to pinch me because I was afraid I was just dreaming. I mean I know how he hates the Philippines but he traveled alone just to shock me like that. For the second time around he captured my heart again. How can I ever let him go if he is the source of my happiness….. He is the sweetest person I’ve ever met… but I know in my heart no matter what happens I will always be unconditionally in love with him….

  19. So my boyfriend and I met on a week long cruise, and we currently live 600 miles apart (SFO area and LA area). We always text each other, and never fail to return messages. I recall greeting him (accidentally) in Korean (I greet my parents in different languages) and he recognized it. I was so surprised, cuz he’s not even Asian. So after our first Text-message conversation, We had this ending. I sent him a single word.

    Me: saranghe (sah-rahng-heh)
    Him: what? what does that mean?
    Me: It means…
    Him: What?
    Me: It means I love You.
    Him: …saranghe.

    And now we’ve taken to saying “I love you” in different languages.

  20. My boyfriend, Jeff, and I were watching the movie “The Strangers” late one night on the phone together (we had downloaded the same movie then called each other to watch =P)

    There is a scene in the movie, where the man cups the lady’s face and rubs it gently with his thumb.

    Jeff got quiet and so I asked what was wrong, and he says,

    “You see how he did that with her…? That’s what I want to do, every time I see you on webcam, smiling, I just want to reach out and touch you like badly, that I feel like my hands are moving to, and sometimes I reach out to the screen..

    “I sound like a dork don’t I?”

    It honestly melted my heart, he NEVER talks like that, needless to say I had tears in my eyes, sweetest thing ever!

  21. Sometimes it’s just the little things that get to me… twice, he’s surprised me with little snippets of writing. I’m a writer, and I adore it when he writes things for me.

    So, I leave my IM on so that he can wake me up and we can talk; he’s busy during the day a lot. One time I got up and, as always, I was happy that he was on. I got on and looked and he woke me up with a nice kiss and hug in a little paragraph… it was so cute.

    Another time, I was missing him so much… I have my fluffy nights where I can’t think about anything but cuddling on a couch or something. I started complaining to him how much I wanted it, so he wrote to me about how he would walk in here and hold me and whatnot… it was so sweet; I melted.

  22. Ok. I am from Malaysia and my boyfriend from Rome. 10,000 km apart. Haven’t seen each other for 4 months now. What happened was I sent him a YouTube link of a love song i.e. Right here waiting for you by Richard Marx. And he replied with another love song i.e. Unchained Melody and he specified to read the comments after the video finished and he commented : “Ti amo, Pica” (pica = an endearment he calls me by the way). And my heart just melted.

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