
101. Share a virtual bulletin board

This idea comes from one of our LFAD members, Tommybat:

"So my SO has bad days at work sometimes and I always have the urge to leave her a note for when she gets home letting her know how amazing she is and that the mean people at work can shove off. but I live all the way in NY and she lives in California. so, I got this idea where I would leave her a sticky note everyday or a few times a day here:

virtual bulletin board

It's this really cool website that lets you post sticky notes onto a personal board and then you share it with someone and they can see/ do it too

My SO loved the idea and actually cried a little haha. :,)

I cannot wait to watch it fill up and watch the notes overlap each other! You can customize the colour of the notes and the textures and the placement. I thought I would share this with you all!"

I just love this idea 🙂


102. What's your sign?

This idea comes from LFAD member chibij14 (Janelle)!

I just bought an astrology book about each of our signs, kept the book about my SO, and sent him the one about me. That way we can gain some insight as to why we may think or act the way we do, thus creating a greater appreciation and understanding for each other. I'm learning that in a LDR... this is pretty much key. I'm a Pisces and it's uncanny how true I am to those traits (overly sensitive, yet put others' needs before my own), and the same goes for my SO who's a Capricorn (ambitous and career driven, yet most loyal and family-oriented)."

Frank and I love this idea because it encourages reading together and it stimulates thoughtful conversation for couples 🙂 There's some great books below for astrology signs but you can also find pages of information on sun signs on the web.

103. What's your Myer-Briggs Type?

If astrology isn't your thing (idea 102), but still want the nitty-gritty of yours and your love's personalities check out It is a Myer-Briggs test (which is according to wikipedia a "... psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.") It makes you answer 60 questions (you have to be honest!) and uses those answers to determine your personality type. For example, I am a ISFP. For both Frank and I it was very accurate 🙂

Like idea 102, this is something that you can each do and share your results with each other. When Frank and I took the assessment and shared our results with each other we actually learned quite a bit about our personalities and why we do what we do.

It is definitely a fun and different way to learn about each other (and revealing!).

104. Freeze!

This next idea comes from Margaret!

My name is Margaret, I live in Toronto and my boyfriend Sebastian lives in Germany! We have this activity we call freeze! For example, I would text him just the word FREEZE and he would have to text me a picture of exactly what he is doing in that moment he recieves the word freeze! makes for very funny pictures of which we compile together and will make into a photo album from when we started dating until the final picture we take together when we finally close the distance...then time is really frozen ♥

105. Read my lips

Kennedy emailed me a game she loves to play with her boyfriend: "Me and my boyfriend video chat and one of us will mute ourselves and the other person has to read your lips to figure out what you are saying. It's really entertaining and you get to see your SO smile and laugh."

This game idea reminded me of the whisper challenge game that is popular on Youtube: one person says a phrase to another person wearing noise cancelling headphones and that person has to guess what they are saying. It always results in a lot of laughs. 🙂 Kennedy's version is a perfect way for long distance couples to play the game via video chat.

Send us an email and let us know what games you like to play while video calling and we'll add them to the list!

106. Write a Virtual Love Note

Several years ago, we had page on Loving From A Distance for people to leave a special message for their loved one - a virtual love note. The page was called "Shout Out To Your Love" and you can view it on the Internet Archive WayBack Machine (it went away in 2010 after a site redesign).

I've decided to bring it back (October 2018)! Check it out and leave your own special virtual love note here: Write a shout out to your love. After your message has been published, you can copy a link to your love note and send it to your partner.

107. Touch each other

Hey BraceletsThat's right! With Hey Bracelets you send a gentle touch to each other and receive a gentle squeeze in return. No matter where you are in the world! Hey is the first wearable that mimics human touch by producing a gentle squeeze.

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