
11. Make a website!

Make a website about your relationship that you both can work on. It is a great way to track your progress in your relationship, and what a great idea it would be to add a timeline.... I might just do that., the webhost that we use for this site, offers free websites with blogging, photo album, and video functions. Be creative together! You could also make a website for your boyfriend/girlfriend for your anniversary or any random day and surprise them with it by sending them them the link!

12. Sing karaoke together!

This is a neat idea I've come across. Haha, I'm not sure Frank would do this with me... But for you die hard karaoke singers out there, this might be some fun, and something you can do online with your love! You will need a webcam and mic for this one. Try this site: SingSnap even lets you do DUETS! It will record you both at the same time, and even records video as well if you use your webcams 🙂 *Thanks Karringtyn for the suggestion!

13. Read a book together.

A great idea is to read a book together. This is great for those couples who have limited time together, and need to find something to do together when they can't be. Find a book you think you both would enjoy and agree to read a chapter every night. Reading together, can open up lots of discussion, and can help boost a relationship in which both people feel they have run out of things to talk about.

14. Join a virtual world!

Some may cost you money if you want extras, but Second Life, IMVU, and There have free basic membership. You can socialize with other people in these virtual worlds with both voice and text chat. Programs like these are great for those in long distance relationships because they can allow you to go on virtual dates, and can be more interactive than just talking online.

15. Get a KissPhone?

A little bit creepy, but somehow I picture myself having tons of fun with it and spending way too much time using it, a KissPhone was an invention idea - a gadget that would allow you to kiss your significant other from afar. It would allow you to send and receive kisses. Kissing the lips on this device and it detects percussion speed, pressure, temperature, and sucking force of the lips when you kiss it, and somehow is able to reproduce these when you send your kiss to another KissPhone. Strange? I don't know, but it sounded like a neat concept 😛 It isn't currently available, but may be in the future.

Here are some actual long distance relationship gadgets that actually exist!

  • Long Distance Touch Lamps

    Long Distance Touch Lamps

  • Long Distance Heartbeat Speaker

    Long Distance Heartbeat Speaker

  • Lovebox Spinning Heart Messenger

    Lovebox Spinning Heart Messenger

16. Listen to music together.

If you're online a lot with your boyfriend/girlfriend instant messaging, why not listen to music together as you chat? There are tons of free online radio stations online. Here are a couple sites to get you started: and You can also make your own radio station together, check out

17. Send fun coupons

They can redeem them the next time you see them. These are great to include in care packages along with other nice items they may enjoy. You can make your own or print out these ones from

Also check out LoveCoups to create a custom and personalized coupon book for your sweet heart.

long distance relationship coupon

18. Get married.

Haha, not for real, but if you're feeling a little silly this website might be fun. Have a virtual wedding. You do everything online: propose, fill out the marriage certificate, have the wedding, invite guests, wedding photos, and you can even divorce. Virtual Wedding Chapel.

19. Send an E-Kiss. has a kissing booth where you can create a custom kiss to send to whomever you wish for free. You choose lip shape, color, and texture. Include a message, and it's all set to go! 🙂 This website also has a lot of other interesting content all about kissing.

20. Create a star map of the night you met.

online star map generator

The Online Star Map creator generates a map of the night sky for any date. Click here to try it out!

Online Star Map will take any date and location you enter and will calculate the positions of the stars for any date or location in the past or future!

Use the date of the first day you met, your first kiss, the first day you both said “I love you,” the date your relationship began, the day you closed the distance, proposal date, wedding date, etc…

Advance to the next page to see more long distance relationship activities and ideas!

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