
71. Record a story.

Henry shared with me what he did for his girlfriend:

"For my girlfriends birthday I recorded a CD of me reading some short stories. Including "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning" by Haruki Murakami."

I thought this was a very neat idea, especially if you know that you and your boyfriend/girlfriend won't be able to talk on the phone for awhile, or even if they are on a long drive or flight to come see you. They can be enjoying your homemade audio book on their mp3 player anytime they miss you and want to hear your voice. 🙂

Here are some great resources that will make this easy to do:

Free program so you can record your voice: Audacity

Short stories: Categories include humor, horror, romance, sci-fi, children's and more.

online star map

72. Make a clone of yourself.

Christine suggested I include this on the site. I found the idea funny but also know it might be something a lot of LDR couples would want to try. I like to stay G-rated, but since this is X-rated, I'll just give you the link:

Note, there are other "varieties" including brown skin tone, soap, chocolate, candle, and glow-in-the-dark. Just do a search on the site.

73. Go on a Dollar Store Scavenger Hunt.

If you and your long distance boyfriend/girlfriend have dollar stores near you, this can be a fun activity. Here's what you do. Go to your local dollar stores and buy the following things:

  • Something clothing
  • Something toy
  • Something chocolate or candy
  • Something jewelery
  • Something stationary (paper for him/her to write letters to you with!)
  • Something surprise

You can come up with your own categories of what to buy, but you catch the drift. After purchasing your dollar store items, mail them to each other. You'll not only have fun searching the dollar store for what you want to get your boyfriend/girlfriend, you'll also have fun seeing the $1 gifts they got for you! 🙂

Spencer shares his dollar store scavenger hunt that was free:

My partner and I recently concocted a "dollar store scavenger hunt." Before heading out, we made a list of 15 items we had to find.

We each went to our nearest dollar store and, starting at the same time, we had 30 minutes to find as many of the items as we could and take pictures of them (if you finish early, call the other person and the search ends). We then came home and posted all of our findings on Facebook. A couple examples:

  • Something you would buy a baby
  • Something ugly.
  • Something edible from another country.
  • Something I would buy for the other person.
  • Something you would never show a houseguest.
  • Something you don't know how to operate.
  • A holiday item (but it can't be for the next major holiday and it can't be for whatever holiday just passed).
  • An actual shopper at the store.
  • Something endorsed by a celebrity.

It just so happened that I was going home soon after this, so we played for a massage, but the very competition of it was fun! Maybe I'll even win next time...

74. Send a GeoGreeting!

Erin shared this idea! Here is a website that will spell out your message with satellite images of buildings around the world. Your message can be up to 40 characters long. So think of something short and sweet to say and let the world present it in a cool way to your LDR boyfriend/girlfriend. Click here to check out the example Erin created.

Send your own GeoGreeting, click here

75. Make a Countdown.

There are many ways you can countdown the days until you see your long distance boyfriend/girlfriend. Kate shared with us a countdown she created for her boyfriend:

"This was so much fun to make and was really quite inexpensive. I used thick cardstock and just printed it out at home. I put a little note to him on the bottom of every page as an extra little something from me every day." - Kate

Check out pictures of Kate's countdown! Click on the images below to view them larger:

countdown 1 countdown 2 countdown 3

If you have a countdown idea email us and let us know!

76. Mad-Lib-ly in Love.

The other day I remembered doing Mad Libs as a kid and how silly they were. I remembered laughing so hard I cried reading them with my friends.

So on this particular day I was bored; Frank was chatting online with me as usual on our webcams. I went on Google and did a search for "mad lib stories" and found a site that generated the stories.

I told Frank to tell me the words I needed; A body part, a female name, a noun, adjective, verb, and so on. I submitted them and I got back this outlandish story of his mom and I on a camping trip with things that made no sense. She grabbed my clavicle! 😛 We had a good laugh
and I gave Frank the link and he picked a story and made me choose the words.

So if you're ever bored and just chatting online, here are a couple "Mad Lib" sites you can use:

Wacky Web Tale: This is the site Frank and I used that day. It is designed for children which probably made it a lot funnier.

Crazy Libs

Word Libs

77. Set goals for each other

This idea comes from Lana:

My boyfriend and I set goals for each other to achieve before the next time we see each other. For example, we will see each other in December, and we made healthy challenges for each other. Since I eat A LOT healthier than him, a cultural difference, I challenged him to eat at least 2 servings of veggies a day and at least one must be a dark leafy green. He challeneged me to stretch my legs everyday and by the time I get there I need to be able to touch my toes easily (sounds easy, but my body just isnt flexible). We though up a reward at the end if its accomplished. For me, it was a day of pretending were super rich and going into designer stores in Santiago and going to dog breeders to look at puppy and sneaking into nice hotels pools. For him, it was something more of a unmentionable. But we check in everyday to make sure we are on track.

So set a goals for each other to be completed before your next visit! This simple idea is a great way to show you love the other person and helps you cope with separation!

78. More than words - Create a Song!

"Clash" allows you to type a message and then it converts that message into a song. When you hit "clash" your message is sung by real artists. Each word of your message comes from an actual recording of a real song! It generates a short link so you can send it to your boyfriend/girlfriend. It's a lot of fun and is a really unique way to send a sweet message.

Also check out:

Song Lyrics Generator - answer a few questions and this site generates song lyrics for you!

79. A special kind of cloud

Ever see a word cloud? It is a jumble of words going every which way. The larger the word the more common/popular that word is. Wordle lets you make your own word clouds. With a great variety of fonts, colors, layouts, and other options to choose from, you can make your own word cloud that is poster quality.

Wordle lets you paste in a body of text (let's say a heartfelt email from your boyfriend/girlfriend) they will take that email and turn it into a word cloud. You can change its appearance and whether or not you want common words in your language (eg. like "and" or "the" in English) to be removed. Once you're done you can print, or do what I did and take a screen capture and set it as your wallpaper or send it to your love.

Wordle also lets you take words from a blog. All you have to do is submit the link and it will generate it. Special thanks to Emily for sharing this site with us.

Check out the word cloud I created using the text from our About Us page:

Click to view larger image

Check out Wordle

80. Play Charades!

I know this is a popular party game you play in teams, but this can also be a very fun game to play with your boyfriend/girlfriend on webcam. 🙂

I am going to assume most people know how to play charades, but if you don't or want to refresh your memory on the rules of the game here ya go: Ehow: How To Play Charades

Basically you act out the name of a movie, book, actor/actress, animal, phrase, etc and the other person has to guess the correct word(s) within a time limit.

You can come up with your own ideas/words to act out or have these charade idea generators help you out:

Special thanks to Kei for suggesting this idea! 🙂

Advance to the next page to see more long distance relationship activities and ideas!

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