
81. Get scared together!

Well you probably won't get too scared, I promise. One Halloween when Frank and I were in college and long distance, we wanted to do something together that suited the occasion. Having been to two haunted houses myself that weekend, I got the idea to search for "virtual" haunted houses. Well, what do you know! I found some!

Frank and I talked on our phones as we clicked through these haunted houses - lights out of course. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs! So if you are in the mood to be spooked, even if it isn't Halloween, check out these games you can play together for a virtual haunted house experience:

The House 2 - another point and click haunted house. This was is especially scary!

Five Nights at Freddy's 4

Check out our long distance Halloween date night page for more fun ideas (including links to scary 360° virtual reality videos).


82. Mad Gab.

Special thanks to Christine for recommending this idea!

If the couple has Internet and audio contact available they can play the Internet version of the card game Mad Gab. A game where you take turns guessing (or racing each other to try to be the first to guess) what a cryptic sentence means once you say it a loud enough times. Its very silly and very fun - and you can come up with a lot ridiculous sentences you THINK it means. - Christine

Frank and I tried it out and Mad Gab is so much fun to play over the phone. Must have a good connection or else you'll probably never understand what the other person is saying 😛

Play Mad Gab Online!

83. Use their handwriting

This is a neat idea, and it comes from Arlene. takes your handwriting and turns it into a font that you can use on your computer! Think of all the things you could do!

Long Distance Suggestions:
I'm absolutely loving FontCapture! My long-distance guy and I installed our handwritten fonts to the instant messager we use and everything just seems a lot more personal. - Charlotte

Garnet and Rane (members on LFAD) loved Charlotte's idea and shared with us their fonts in their instant messenger (see image at left).

Frank and I had to try it out for ourselves! Here's how our fonts came out:

Michelle's font
Frank's font

Can you think of any other ways LDR couples can use

Email me at and I will post them here!

84. "Date-In-A-Box"

This idea comes from Erin and the rest of the gang on the LFAD forum!

We all have "online" dates. Frank and I have "movie" dates all the time.
But this idea is taking the concept a step further, and takes some thought and creativity. So the idea is to get yourself a box, and then fill it for everything your partner will need for the date. When you buy the items remember to get 2 of everything so you can take part in the date too! A "Date-In-A-Box" may consist of a DVD, microwavable popcorn, candy, a gift card to a restaurant that they can get take-out from (or you could always surprise them buy having food delivered to their home), something to snuggle with, and last but not least, maybe some instructions for how the date will go and what the attire for the evening should be.

Some other things you can include:

  • Candles
  • Bottle of wine
  • Recipe card(if you want to make your meal "together"
  • CD with music that suits the occasion

Once you have everything you need for the date in the box, send it their way!

If you have more long distance date ideas or themes, please let me know! Email me:

If I can gather enough unique ideas, I will create a page just for long distance date ideas 🙂

85. Record a virtual tour of your neighborhood!

This idea comes from one of our members, SoFarAway! 🙂

You wanna show your SO where you live and what places influence your everyday life and don't have the money and time to fly him/her to your place? There is an easy and quick way to do so without leaving the comfort of your home.

Download Google Earth Tour Builder on your computer. With the latest version, you are able to record tours in Google Earth and send them by email, put them on websites, etc.

Just start the tour with your place and then hop to your school, church, hangout places, malls or whatever you do in your everyday life. You can be extremely creative and tell a story by making a movie through Google Earth. I made a movie to show my sweety how an ordinary day looks like. She hasn't received it yet, but I know she will love it. - SoFarAway

What's great about this is that Google Earth Tour Builder lets you record your voice so you can provide commentary for the viewer! 🙂

Also check out this Tour Creator (also by Google and lets you make a virtual reality tour that you can view with Google Cardboard!)

86. Make a wordsearch!

A personalized wordsearch puzzle may be fun to include in your next care package or letter.

You can get creative and use words that have special significance in your relationship or even tease by having hints for a surprise
you have in store for them (X-mas/birthday/anniversary present, surprise visit, etc...)

Armored Penguin's Wordsearch Generator has tons of options that you can use to make your wordsearch puzzle your very own. They also let you save your it as a pdf document.

Thank you Gurl for this idea!

87. Screen Sharing

I always wanted to do this with Frank. I had the idea, but couldn't ever find a site or software to do it, but I finally did.

Check out

Best of all it's free and there's nothing to download.
Frank and I tried it the other day. What you do is, you open a virtual browser, and you are given a link that you can share with other people that will let them join you. Once on, you can visit webpages together. You can even have fun doodling together on a webpage.

One thing to mention is that if your screens are not the same size, your doodles will be off. For instance, I drew a mustache on a face that was on a webpage were on, and on Frank's screen it wasn't on the face, it was way over to the right. It was because I have a wider screen than he does. So try to resize your windows so that they are better matched. You can do this simply by finding a reference point on the page, and draw a dot on it. Tell the other person where you drew the dot, and they can shrink or expand their window till the dot is on top of what you drew it on.

88. A different web cam experience

Webcams are great for long distance relationships, but eventually it can get boring and you'll be asking yourself, "How can we make this more fun?"

Check out

It's free to download and is tons of fun!

From the website...

What is ManyCam?

- Use your webcam with multiple programs simultaneously.
- Add text to your webcam video window with any application.
- Add cool animations to your video window.
- Show your local day and date in your video window.
- Add live CGI graphics like fire and water effects. You can even make it appear as if it is snowing inside your house!

I especially like that not only can you download new effects, you are also able to create your own custom effects!

Special thanks to Jenny for this idea!

89. Carve your initials in a tree... a virtual one that is

One of our members PurpleDreamer gave us this awesome idea, she says: is a virtual forest that allows you to have the initials of you and your love carved into a virtual tree. You can choose from different tree species, layouts and such.

Visit to carve your initials!

And check out mine and Frank's tree 🙂

90. Prank them

I am the kind of person who enjoys a good prank, especially when I'm able to successfully pull one on Frank (a rare occurrence... he catches on fast and is good BS detector).

There are a good handful of prank phone call sites online, but This site a lot of different prank calls and records calls for you as well. They let you have 2 prank calls per day (30 seconds max).

Because you are able to save the calls (and could email them to each other) this could be something that you can do together if you have mutual friends that you'd like to prank and share a good laugh. 😛 (this site also does not store or share phone numbers)

Advance to the next page to see more long distance relationship activities and ideas!

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